Setting the McKesson Auto-Reconciliation Preference

PharmaClik Rx offers two options for receiving McKesson invoices and reconciling them against purchase orders. Choose the one that best suits your pharmacy's operations:


The reconciliation preference is called Auto Reconcile All Purchase Orders and is found in McKesson Supplier Preferences. Click on Auto Reconcile All Purchase Orders in the image below to view a description of the field and its options.


To set the McKesson Auto-Reconcilation Preference

  1. Select More > Supplier. The Supplier Search window opens.
  2. Search for and select your McKesson supplier.
  3. Select the Preferences tab.
  4. Make a section from the Auto Reconcile All Purchase Orders dropdown list.
    • No to reconcile purchase orders one-by-one
    • Yes to download, apply and reconcile with one click.
  5. Select Save.

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